To Activate Manual Space Boundaries

After making the net, usable, and gross boundaries visible, you need to activate them in order to be able to grip-edit them.

Note: Activating a boundary is a precondition for any operation you want to perform on the boundary, like grip-editing or boolean operations.
  1. If necessary, switch to a Plan view.

    The net, usable, and gross boundaries of a space can only be activated and displayed in Plan views.

  2. Select a space for which you want to display a boundary.

    Activated boundary grips

  3. Verify that Offset Boundaries in the Properties palette is set to Manual.
  4. Use the trigger grip for the appropriate boundary to activate and deactivate the grip set.

    Alternatively, you can right-click a space, click Edit Boundary on the context menu, and then select a boundary from the submenu to activate or deactivate.