To Export Schedule Data for Selected Objects

Use this procedure to export selected property set data from a schedule table to a separate file. You can export the data in the following file formats:

Note: You must have Microsoft Excel installed to export a file to Excel format.

Using this procedure, you can create a file with property set data for selected objects even if the schedule table does not exist in the drawing.

  1. At the Command prompt, enter AECSCHEDULEEXPORT.

    The Export Schedule Table dialog box opens.

  2. Select a file type to Save As.
  3. Enter a name for the file, or click Browse to select a file.
  4. Clear Use Existing Table.
  5. Select the table style to use in the exported file.

    Columns included in the schedule table style determine the property set data that is exported for the objects.

  6. Select the layer wild card to use as a filter in the exported file.
  7. Specify whether to scan for xrefs or block references, and click OK.
  8. Select the objects to include in the exported table, and press Enter.

    The Format dialog box opens if you selected an XLS file type for Save As Type.

  9. Convert the schedule values in the exported file by selecting Use Unformatted Decimal Value or Convert to Formatted Text.

    The format of values does not change in the drawing file. Selecting Convert to Formatted Text displays the architectural format (6'-0") in Microsoft Excel.

  10. Click OK to format columns one at a time, or select Apply to All Columns, and click OK.
  11. If a file already exists with the name you specified, a warning is displayed. Overwrite the existing file, specify a unique name, or cancel the export command.