About Slab and Roof Slab Styles

A slab or roof slab style is a set of parameters that determines the appearance and other characteristics of the slab or roof slab object to which it is assigned. By editing a style, you can control the properties of all objects that use that style, without having to change the properties of each such object in a drawing. For slabs and roof slabs, the style controls the following properties:

The default slab and roof slab tools provided with the software use standard styles. You can use these as provided, edit the standard styles in the Style Manager, or create your own styles and use them to make new tools.

Using Materials in Slab/Roof Slab Styles

You can control how slabs or roof slabs of a particular style are displayed in a drawing by assigning materials to the slab or roof slab components in the style. The components are then displayed using the display properties of the assigned materials.

AutoCAD Architecture 2023 toolset provides predefined materials for common design purposes. You can use these materials as provided, modify them to meet your project requirements, or define new materials.

Creating Tools from Slab/Roof Slab Styles

You can create a slab or roof slab tool from a slab or roof slab style by dragging the style from the Style Manager onto a tool palette. The default settings provided by the style are then applied to any object created with that tool.

Managing Slab/Roof Slab Styles

To create, copy, edit, or purge styles for slabs and roof slabs, you use the Style Manager. The Style Manager provides a central location in AutoCAD Architecture 2023 toolset where you can work with styles from multiple drawings and templates.