To Change the Edge of a Space Boundary

  1. Activate the boundary where you want to change an edge.
  2. Select the Edge grip for the edge you want to change.
  3. Specify the new edge location:
    If you want to… Then…
    offset the edge move the edge to the desired location and click, or enter a value and press Enter.
    add a vertex and create an edge press Ctrl to switch to the Add Vertex edit mode. Move the edge to the desired location and click, or enter a value and press Enter.
    change a selected edge to an arc/change a selected arc to a line press Ctrl twice to switch to the Convert to Arc/Convert to Line edit mode. Stretch the midpoint to the desired location and click, or enter a value and press Enter.
    offset all edges at an identical distance press Ctrl for 3 times to switch to the Offset All edit mode. Move the selected edge to the desired location for all edges and click, or enter a value and press Enter.
  4. Right-click, and click Deselect All to turn off grips.