To Chamfer Walls

Use this procedure to chamfer 2 walls. Chamfering walls creates a new wall segment between 2 walls that are not parallel. Chamfering is useful when you are working with unique wall angles or architectural details.

You can chamfer walls by specifying distance or angle:

Trim mode options allow you to specify whether the walls are trimmed or extended to the new wall segment (trim option) or whether their endpoints remain unchanged (no trim option). If you select no trim, chamfer distances must be greater than zero.

Before chamfering walls, ensure that the walls have the same style and baseline justification. Solution tip icons may display when you chamfer the walls if these settings are not the same for each wall.

  1. Open a tool palette that contains the Chamfer tool.

    The Chamfer tool is located with the Drafting Tools in the Stock Tool Catalog in the Content Browser. You can add this tool to any tool palette, and then use the tool to chamfer walls and other objects.

  2. Select the Chamfer tool.
  3. Specify default settings for chamfering walls:
    If you want to … Then …
    trim or extend wall segments to meet each other or to meet the endpoints of the new wall segment enter t (Trim), and then enter t (Trim).
    keep the endpoints of the wall segments in their original locations and fit the new wall segment between them enter t (Trim), and then enter n (No trim).
    specify the default length and angle values for the angle option enter a (Angle). Enter the distance from the endpoint to the point on the wall where you want the chamfer to begin. Enter the angle of the chamfer.
    specify the default distances for the distance option enter d (Distance). Enter values for Distance 1 and Distance 2. Enter 0 for both distances if you want the walls to meet without creating a new wall segment.
    specify the distance option as the default option for chamfering walls enter e (Method), and then enter d (Distance).
    specify the angle option as the default option for chamfering walls enter e (Method), and then enter a (Angle).
    chamfer multiple walls enter m (Multiple).
  4. Select the first wall.
  5. Select the second wall.