To Specify Display Component Settings of the Space Decomposition

Use this procedure to change the properties of the display components of the space decomposition view for a space style.

The following decomposition display components are available:
Component Description
Additive Edge Decomposition lines of a space with a positive value, such as a room
Subtractive Edge Decomposition lines of a space with a negative value, or a hole
Additive Tag Tag for a space subdivision with a positive value
Subtractive Tag Tag for a space subdivision with a negative value
Additive Height Height lines of a space subdivision with a positive value
Subtractive Height Height lines of a space subdivision with a negative value
Edge Dimension Text Label for a space edge displaying its length
Height Dimensions Label for a height line displaying its length
  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  2. Expand Architectural Objects Space Styles.
  3. Select the space style where you want to change decomposition settings.
  4. Click the Display Properties tab.
  5. Select the Decomposed display representation, and select either Style Override or Drawing Default, depending on which display source you want for the decomposition.
  6. If necessary, click .
  7. Click the Layer/Color/Linetype tab.
  8. Select the space decomposition component to change, and change the following settings:
    • Visibility
    • Layer
    • Color
    • Linetype/Lineweight/Linetype Scale
    • Plot Style
  9. Click OK twice.