To Create a Display Theme Style

Use this procedure to create design rules for display theme styles and to specify the format for the legend of the display theme in the Style Manager. A display theme changes how objects or object styles display in your drawing based on the criteria you specify. Property set definitions must already be defined in your drawing before you can specify one for a theme rule.

Specify the design rules for the display theme

Specify the format for the design theme legend

Specify the display properties for the display theme legend

  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.

    The Style Manager is displayed with the current drawing expanded in the tree view.

  2. Expand Documentation Objects, right-click on Display Theme Styles, and click New.
  3. Enter a name for the new display theme style and press Enter.
  4. To add a description of the display theme style, enter it for Description.
  5. Click the Design Rules tab.
  6. Click to create a new display theme setting.

    An unnamed display theme setting is created with the index number of 1.

  7. Create the settings for the display theme.
    If you want to… Then…
    specify a name for the display theme select Unnamed and enter text for Name.
    turn off the visibility of the identifying color or hatch for this display theme in the display theme legend click the light bulb. If the light bulb is yellow, the identifying color or hatch and the name of the display theme are visible in the display theme legend.
    add a color to the display theme click BYBLOCK, and select a color from the Select Color worksheet.
    add a hatch pattern to the display theme click SOLID, select a Type from the Hatch Pattern worksheet, and click OK.
    scale a hatch pattern for the display theme enter a value for Scale/Spacing.
    change the angle of the hatch pattern enter a value for Angle.
    specify the orientation of the hatch pattern from global to object click global.
    specify the X offset of the hatch pattern enter a value for X Offset.
    specify the Y offset of the hatch pattern enter a value for Y Offset.
    specify a Linetype for the hatch pattern click ByBlock, select a linetype, and click OK.
    specify a Lineweight for the hatch pattern click ByBlock, select a lineweight, and click OK.
    specify a Linetype Scale for the hatch pattern enter a value for Lt Scale.
    specify a Plot Style for the hatch pattern click ByBlock, select a plot style, and click OK.
  8. Under Theme Rules for selected Theme Settings, click .

    A display theme rule is created with the index number of 1.1. This corresponds with the display theme setting. You can create multiple rules for each display theme.

  9. Select a property set definition.

    Property set definitions that exist in the drawing appear in the drop-down list.

  10. Select a property.

    The properties available are contingent upon the property set definition you selected.

  11. Select a condition.

    The conditions available are contingent upon the property set definition and property you selected.

  12. Enter a value appropriate to the condition you selected.
  13. Select an operator appropriate to the formula you are creating for the display theme rules.
  14. Click the Legend Format tab.
  15. For Title, enter the text you want to appear on the heading of the display theme legend.
  16. Select the shape of the symbol for the legend key as either round or square.
  17. Select a style for the text in the legend.
  18. Enter the height for the text in the legend.
  19. Enter the gap between words in the legend.
  20. Click the Legend Display Properties tab.
  21. Select the display representation on which to display the changes, and select Style Override.

    The display representation in bold is the current display representation.

  22. If necessary, click .
  23. Click the Layer/Color/Linetype tab.
  24. Select the component to change, and select a different setting for the property.
  25. Click OK twice.