To Reverse the Direction of a Wall

Use this procedure to change the direction in which a wall is drawn by reversing the start point and the endpoint of the wall. Walls are drawn from the first specified point to the last point. Some commands and properties are affected by that order. For example, you can add wall modifiers to the left or right side of a wall. Left and right sides are west and east, respectively, when a wall is drawn from south to north, regardless of how the wall is displayed in the current view.

There are 2 different ways to reverse the wall direction. When you reverse a wall in place, the wall position in the drawing does not change; only the wall direction changes, and the wall justification line is switched in the drawing but not in relation to the wall components. This method of reversing walls is common when you create walls from scratch and do not want to change their physical position in the drawing.

When you reverse the wall justification line, the wall position in the drawing changes, but the baseline position in the drawing remains the same. You would use this method when creating walls from polylines or spaces; in this case the baseline position can be important geometry that you do not want to change.

To determine the direction in which a wall was drawn, select the wall. The Reverse Direction grip shows the orientation of the wall.

To reverse the wall direction in place:

  1. Select the wall.
  2. Click Wall tabModify panelReverse drop-downWall Reverse.

    The outside faces of the wall remain in place, and the baseline shifts, if necessary.

    Reversing a wall segment in place

To reverse the wall justification line:

  1. Select the wall.
  2. Click Wall tabModify panelReverse drop-downWallReverseBaseline.

    The baseline remains in place, and the wall shifts, if necessary.

    Reversing a wall segment about its baseline