Visual Studio Code, commonly referred to as VS Code, is a modern lightweight cross platform source code editor that supports scripting and traditional programming languages.
If you are relatively new to programming, the development environment that VS Code offers is streamlined and focused on the tasks of developing and debugging applications. Based on the programming languages you choose to work with, you will want to install one or more extensions specific to those languages. Extensions are used to instruct VS Code on how it should implement programming language specific behavior, such as how the source code for an application should be formatted in the editor or how it can be debugged. Most extensions can be installed from the VS Code Marketplace, but they can also be installed manually from an extension (VSIX) file. You can learn more about VS Code by visiting the Documentation for Visual Studio Code page on Microsoft’s website.
Autodesk is taking advantage of this cross platform development tool for AutoLISP programming to replace the obsolete Visual LISP Integrated Development Environment (VL IDE) that was previously available on Windows only. Starting with AutoCAD 2021, the AutoCAD program supports AutoLISP programming development using VS Code with the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension.
The AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension allows you to: