To Set Geographic Location by Specifying Latitude and Longitude

You can insert geographic location information to a drawing file by specifying the latitude and longitude of a reference point in model space.

  1. Click Insert tabLocation panelSet Location drop-downFrom Map. Find
    Note: If the Geolocation - Online Map Data task dialog box displays, close it by clicking any button.
  2. If the Latitude and Longitude boxes are available, specify their values. If these boxes are not available:
    1. In the Address box specify the latitude and longitude values separated by a comma, and click .
    2. In the results pane, click Drop Marker Here.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the GIS Coordinate System list, select a coordinate system.
    Tip: The coordinate system that has its datum closest to the marker location provides the best results.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. In the drawing area, click the position that corresponds to the location you specified.
  7. In the drawing area, click to indicate the north direction.