Opens the Tool Palettes window.


Use tool palettes to organize blocks, hatches, and custom tools in a tabbed window. Various options and settings are accessible from shortcut menus that display when you right-click different areas of the Tool Palettes window.


Tool palettes can be used only in the version of the product in which they were created. However, custom tool palettes that were created in an earlier release can be migrated forward with the Migrate Custom Settings dialog box, or they can be imported individually with the Customize dialog box.

List of Options

The following options are displayed by right-clicking the palette, a tool, the title bar, or a tab.

Add Text

Inserts a text entry box at the cursor location, where you can add a label that helps organize palette contents.

Add Separator

Adds a tool palette separator line at the location of the cursor.

All Palettes

Displays all tool palette tabs in the palette window.

Allow Docking

Toggles the ability to dock or anchor palette windows. A docked window adheres to the side of the application window and causes the drawing area to be resized. Selecting this option also makes Anchor Right and Anchor Left available. Clear this option to undock a docked tool palette.

Anchor Left/ Anchor Right

Attaches the palette to an anchor tab base at the left or right side of the drawing area. An anchored palette rolls open and closed as the cursor moves across it. When an anchored palette is open, its content overlaps the drawing area. An anchored palette cannot be set to stay open.


A setting that causes a floating window to roll open and closed as the cursor moves across it. When this option is cleared, the full tool palette stays open continuously.


Closes the tool palette window.


Copies the selected tool to the Clipboard.

Customize Commands

Displays the Customize User Interface Dialog Box.

Customize Palettes

Displays the Customize dialog box.


Removes the selected tool from the tool palette and places it on the Clipboard.


Removes the selected tool from the tool palette.

Delete Palette

Removes the current palette.


Changes the cursor to a four-direction arrow.

Move Up

Moves the selected tool palette up one position.

Move Down

Moves the selected tool palette down one position.

New Palette

Creates a new palette. Enter a name or press Enter to use the default name.


Pastes a tool from the Clipboard to the current tab.


Displays the Tool Properties dialog box, where you can change the properties of the selected tool.


Renames the selected tool.

Rename Palette

Renames the current palette.


Changes the cursor to a four-direction arrow.

Sort By

Specifies whether palette contents are sorted by name or by type.

Specify Image

Displays the Select Image File dialog box, in which you can choose the image to be used for a tool.


Displays the Transparency dialog box.

Update Tool Image

Updates the image in the palette if the image has been modified.

View Options

Displays the View Options dialog box, where you can control how tools are displayed.