BINDTYPE (System Variable)

Specifies the default or controls the naming behavior to be applied to "named objects" in an xref when a bind or an edit-in-place operation is performed on it.

Saved in:Not-saved
Initial value:0

Named objects include layers, dimension and text styles, blocks, views, and so on.

For example, consider a drawing file named Floorplan that includes a layer named Electrical. If this drawing is attached as an xref in the current drawing, that layer name would appear as drawingname|layername, or in this case, Floorplan|Electrical. This naming style is designed to avoid a conflict with any existing layer names in the current drawing.

When BINDTYPE is set to 0, the standard behavior, if a bind operation is performed on the xref, the layer name becomes drawingname$0$layername, or in this case, Floorplan$0$Electrical. If the layer Floorplan$0$Electrical already exists from a previous bind operation, the new layer name would be Floorplan$1$Electrical, and so on.

When BINDTYPE is set to 1, the merge behavior, if a bind operation is performed on the xref, the layer name remains the same, in this case Electrical. This merges the layers from the xref with those in the current drawing which is similar to detaching and inserting the reference drawing.




Standard behavior


Merge behavior

Here are the commands and how they are affected by this system variable:
Note: The XBIND and REFEDIT commands are not affected by this system variable.