To Display a View of the XY Plane

You can change the current viewpoint to a plan view of the current UCS, a previously saved UCS, or the WCS.

A plan view is a view aimed toward the origin (0,0,0) from a point on the positive Z axis. This results in a view of the XY plane.

You can restore the view and coordinate system that is the default for most drawings by setting the UCS orientation to World and then setting the 3D view to Plan View.

To Change the View

  1. Click View menu 3D Views Plan View.

    The menu bar is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter PLAN at the Command prompt.

  2. Select one of the following options:
    • Current (for the current UCS)
    • World (for the WCS)
    • Named (for a saved UCS)
    Note: PLAN changes the viewing direction; it does not change the current UCS. Any coordinates entered or displayed subsequent to the PLAN command remain relative to the current UCS.