Creates a dimension that starts from an extension line of the previous or selected dimension.


Automatically continues creating additional dimensions from the last linear, angular, or ordinate dimension created, or from a selected extension line. The dimension lines are lined up automatically.

If no dimension was created in the current session, you are prompted to select a linear, ordinate, or angular dimension to use as the base for the continued dimension. Here is an example of a continued angular dimension.

By default, the dimension style of the continued dimension is inherited from the previous or selected dimension. You can use DIMCONTINUEMODE to change the default to use the current dimension style.

The following prompts are displayed.

Select Continued Dimension
Specifies a linear, ordinate, or angular dimension. Otherwise, the program skips this prompt and uses the dimension object that was last created in the current session.
Second Extension Line Origin

If the base dimension is linear or angular, this prompt is displayed. Uses the second extension line origin of the continued dimension for the first extension line origin of the next dimension. The current dimension style determines the appearance of the text.

After you select a continued dimension, the Specify a Second Extension Line Origin prompt is redisplayed. To end the command, press Esc. To select another linear, ordinate, or angular dimension to use as the basis for the continued dimension, press Enter.

Feature Location

If the base dimension is ordinate, this prompt is displayed. Uses the endpoint of the base dimension as the endpoint for the continued dimension; you are prompted for the next feature location. When you select a feature location, the continued dimension is drawn and the Specify Feature Location prompt is redisplayed. To end the command, press Esc. To select another linear, ordinate, or angular dimension to use as the basis for the continued dimension, press Enter.


Undoes the last continued dimension entered during the command session.


Prompts you to select a linear, ordinate, or angular dimension to use as the continued dimension. After you select a continued dimension, the Specify a Second Extension Line Origin prompt or the Specify Feature Location prompt is redisplayed.

To end the command, press Enter twice, or press Esc.