Use Points and Vectors (CAL Command)

Both points and vectors are pairs or triples of real numbers. A point defines a location in space, but a vector defines a direction (or translation) in space.

Some CAL functions, such as pld and plt, return a point. Other functions, such as nor and vec, return a vector.

Formatting Points and Vectors

A point or vector is a set of three real expressions enclosed in brackets ([ ]): [r1,r2,r3]

The notation p1, p2, and so forth designates points. The notation v1, v2, and so forth designates vectors. In drawings, points are displayed as dots, and vectors are displayed as lines with arrows.

CAL supports points expressed in all formats.

Point formats

Coordinate system

Point format








Uses the @ prefix [@x,y,z]

WCS (instead of UCS)

Uses the * prefix [*x,y,z]

You can omit the following components of a point or vector: coordinate values of zero and a comma immediately preceding the right bracket (]).

The following are valid points:

[1,2] is the same as [1,2,0]

[,,3] is the same as [0,0,3]

[ ] is the same as [0,0,0]

In the following example, the point is entered in the relative spherical coordinate system with respect to the (WCS). The distance is 1+2=3; the angles are 10+20=30 degrees and 45 degrees, 20 minutes.

[ *1+2<10+20<45d20"]

The following is a valid point that contains arithmetic expressions as its components:


The following example uses the Endpoint object snap and the vector [2,0,3] to calculate a point that is offset from a selected endpoint:

end + [2,,3]

The calculated point is offset 2 units in the X direction and 3 units in the Z direction relative to the selected endpoint.