To Calculate the Fixed Height for Text Objects in Model Space

  1. Determine the plot scale if outputting from model space or the scale of a viewport on a layout.
    Note: A drawing scale consists of two values separated by an = or : character. The number on the left is the paper units and the number to the right is the drawing units. An example of a drawing scale would be 1/4"=1’ 0” or 4:1.
  2. Divide the drawing units by the paper units to obtain the drawing scale factor.

    For example, 12 / 0.25 = 48. 48 is the drawing scale factor of the drawing scale 1/4” = 1’-0”.

  3. Multiply the drawing scale factor by the desired text output height to determine the height of the text objects in the drawing.

    Using the drawing scale factor of 48 and a desired text height of 3/16” for the output, you would take 48 x 0.1875 to get a final text height of 9.