AutoCAD Macro Virus Protection Dialog Box

Disables macro virus protection.

VBALOAD (Command) Find

If you open a drawing or project file that contains macros, a macro virus can become active and be transmitted to your computer. From that point on, every drawing or project file you save can become infected with the macro virus. When other users open the infected drawing or project file, the macro virus can also be transmitted to their computers.

The AutoCAD Macro Virus Protection dialog box that is displayed when you open a drawing or project file that contains macros gives you the opportunity to disable the macros. A macro virus can be harmful only if it is allowed to run.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Always Ask Before Opening Projects with Macros

When cleared, prevents the AutoCAD Macro Virus Protection dialog box from being displayed again. You can later enable macro virus protection using the VBA Options dialog box.

Disable Macros

Loads the drawing or project file with the macros disabled. Use Disable Macros if you do not expect the drawing or project file to contain useful macros, or if you aren't certain about the reliability of their source.

Once you disable the macros, you can't run any macros. However, you can still view, edit, and save the macros. You can close the drawing or project file later and open it again with the macros enabled.

Enable Macros

Loads the drawing or project file with the macros enabled. Use Enable Macros if the drawing or project file is from a reliable source, or if you expect the drawing or project file to contain useful macros.

Do Not Load

If you are loading a project file, the process is canceled and the project file is not loaded. If you are opening a drawing with an embedded project, the drawing is opened with the macros disabled.