Make Application Wizard

Creates of a new application make (PRV) file which is used to compile AutoLISP source files into an application (VLX) file.

MAKELISPAPP (Command): Properties

Find: File menu > Make Application > New Application Wizard

List of Options

The wizard includes the following pages:

Wizard Mode

Specifies the interaction mode for the wizard.

  • Simple - Allows you create a new application and specify which LSP source files to include.
  • Expert - Allows you to specify not only the LSP files to include and the name of the application to create, but which resource (DCL and DVB) files are required along with any changes to the default options for the application.
Note: The PRV file created with the wizard can be modified using the Application Properties dialog box.

Application Directory

Specifies the location and name of the application make (PRV) and application (VLX) file.

Application Location
Location in which the application make and application file to be created. Type a location or click Browse to choose a location.
Application Name
Name of the application make and application file to be created.

Application Options

Defines whether the application should run in the default namespace.

ActiveX Support
Controls whether ActiveX support is enabled for the application; this option is only available when the Separate Namespace is enabled.
Separate Namespace
Controls whether global variables and select functions in the application are made available to the primary AutoLISP environment.

When this option is not enabled, the default setting, all global variables and functions are made available.

LISP Files to Include

Specifies the LSP source files that should be compiled into the application (VLX) file.

List of LISP Files
AutoLISP source files to include in the application (VLX) file and their load order.

Files are loaded in a top down order.

Moves the selected file to the top of the list and it becomes the first file to be loaded.
Moves the selected file earlier in the load order.
Moves the selected file later in the load order.
Moves the selected file to the bottom of the list and it becomes the last file to be loaded.
Displays the Add Files dialog box which allows you to specify the AutoLISP source files to include in the application make (PRV) file.
File Type List
Controls the type of files to list in the Add Files dialog box when including AutoLISP source files in the application.
Removes the selected file from the application make (PRV) file.

Resource Files to Include

Specifies the resource files that should be compiled into the application (VLX) file.

List of Resource Files
Resource files to include in the application (VLX) file.
Displays the Add Files dialog box which allows you to specify the resource files to include in the application make (PRV) file.
File Type List
Controls the type of files to list in the Add Files dialog box when including resource files in the application.
Removes the selected file from the application make (PRV) file.

Application Compilation Options

Specifies the compilation mode for the application.

  • Standard - No optimization is performed on the functions in the application.
  • Optimize and Link - Application is optimized to reduce file size and increase performance of functions.

Review Selections/Build Application

Completes the process of defining the application make (PRV) file and optionally allows for the compiling of the application (VLX) file.

Build Application
Controls whether the application (VLX) file is built after the application make (PRV) file is saved.
Saves the choices made in the wizard to an application make (PRV) file and compiles the application (VLX) file based on the state of the Build Application checkbox.