About Working With Table and Cell Styles

The appearance of a table is controlled by its table style, which stores a collection of cell styles for labels and data. These cell styles are assigned to each cell in the table.

When you create a new table, you first choose a table style that contains the cell styles you want to use. Then, you can choose from a relevant set of cell styles.

Cell Styles and Properties

A cell style controls the appearance of a cell in three general areas:

Use the TABLESTYLE command to create or access the cell styles stored in a specified table style. As with other styles such as text styles and dimension styles, table styles are stored within a drawing or drawing template file. Table styles can be imported from other drawings using DesignCenter.

Default Styles

The default table style, Standard, includes three default cell styles: Title, Header, and Data. The Title and Header cell styles are a Label type of cell, while the Data cell style is a Data type of cell.

When you create your own cell styles, you will start from a Label or Data type of cell. While you can modify the settings for the default cell styles, a better practice is to leave these unchanged as starting points for new cell styles.