To Use a Custom Executable File Inside the Product

Paths to executable files should be added as a "trusted location" in the Options dialog box on the Files tab. Follow this procedure if the File Loading - Security Concern message is displayed as you open a drawing or load custom executable files (using commands such as APPLOAD).

  1. In the File Loading - Security Concern dialog box, do one of the following:
    • If you know the file is trustworthy, click Load to continue opening the file.
    • If you are unsure about the file, click Do Not Load.
  2. After you verify that the file is trusted and all files in that location are trusted, do the following:
    • Click Applications menu Options.
    • In the Options dialog box, Files tab, add the folder to Trusted Locations. (A read-only folder is recommended.)
    Note: The trusted location changes go into effect after you restart the product.