Displays the Point Cloud Manager palette, used to control display of point cloud projects, regions, and scans.


List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Tree View and List View buttons
Toggles between a hierarchical tree view and a list view.
Lists project files that have been attached to the current drawing.
Lists the regions that have been defined in Autodesk ReCap Pro for the attached point cloud.

Select the region names to highlight them in their assigned color.

Unassigned Points
Identifies and hides unassigned points, or sections of the point cloud that have not been assigned to regions. Select the row to show the unassigned points.
Lists the individual scan files that are included in the composite point cloud. Select the row to highlight the points included in the scan. A tag is temporarily displayed in the scene to identify the location.

Double-click a scan in the Point Cloud Manager to view the point cloud from the vantage point of the camera location for that scan.

To Show or Hide Regions or Scans
To hide a region or scan, click the button to on the right end of the row.
Searches by name for a point cloud, region, or scan file.