Insert Object Dialog Box

Inserts a linked or embedded object.

INSERTOBJ (Command) Find

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Create New

Opens the application that's highlighted in the Object Type list so that you can create a new object to insert.

Object Type

Lists available applications that support linking and embedding. To create an object to embed, double-click an application to open it.

On the application's File menu, the Save option is replaced with a new Update option. Choosing Update inserts the object into the drawing or updates it.

Display as Icon

Displays the source application's icon in the drawing. Double-clicking the icon displays the embedded information.

Create from File

Specifies a file to link or embed.


Specifies the path and name of the file to be embedded or linked.


Displays the Browse dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box), in which you select a file to link or embed.


Creates a link to the selected file rather than embedding it.

Display as Icon

Displays the source application's icon in the drawing. Double-clicking the icon displays the linked or embedded information.