-LWEIGHT (Command)

Sets the current lineweight, lineweight display options, and lineweight units.

The following prompts are displayed.

The current lineweight value is displayed. If the value is not BYLAYER, BYBLOCK or DEFAULT, the value is displayed in millimeters or inches.

Default Lineweight

Sets the current default lineweight. Lineweight values consist of fixed settings, including BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, and DEFAULT. Values are calculated in either inches or millimeters; millimeters are the default. If you enter a valid lineweight value, the current default lineweight is set to the new value. If you enter any other value, the default is set to the nearest valid value.

To plot an object with a lineweight that is not found in the list of fixed lineweight values, you can use plot styles to control plotted lineweights. The DEFAULT value is set by the LWDEFAULT system variable and has an initial value of 0.01 inches or 0.25 mm. The lineweight value of 0 plots at the thinnest lineweight available on the specified plotting device and is displayed at a value of one pixel in model space.

?—List Lineweights

Displays a list of valid lineweight values in the current lineweight units.

Note: If you save a drawing using the AutoCAD Release 14, or earlier, format, the drawing preview displays lineweights even though the drawing saved in the earlier format does not display lineweights.