Inserts a block or drawing into the current drawing.
The following prompts are displayed.
Specifies the name of the block to insert.
Enter a tilde (~) to display the Select Drawing File dialog box (a standard file selection dialog box).
You can control block insertion behavior using the following methods:
block name=
If you enter = after the block name, the following prompt is displayed:
If you choose to redefine the block, the existing block definition is replaced with the new block definition. The drawing is regenerated, and the new definition is applied to all existing insertions of the block definition. Press Esc when prompted for the insertion point if you do not want to insert a new block into the drawing.
Lists the blocks currently defined in the drawing.
Specifies a location for the block or drawing.
All X and Y dimensions of the block or drawing are multiplied by the X and Y scale factors. The block or drawing is rotated by the specified angle, using the insertion point as the center of rotation.
Defines the X and Y scale factors at the same time, using the insertion point and another point as the corners of a box. The X and Y dimensions of the box become the X and Y scale factors. The insertion point is the first corner.
Sets X, Y, and Z scale factors.
Temporarily drops the block in the drawing where it is currently positioned and allows you to specify a new base point for the block reference as it is dragged into position. This does not affect the actual base point defined for the block reference.
Sets the scale factor for the X, Y, and Z axes. The scale for the Z axis is the absolute value of the specified scale factor.
Sets the X scale factor.
Sets the Y scale factor.
Sets the Z scale factor.
Sets the angle of insertion for the block.
Explodes the selected block when inserted.
Repeats the block insertion until canceled.
Sets the geographic location of the attached file as reference.