To Modify the Cutting Plane

You can grip edit the cutting plane that defines a model documentation section view just like how you grip edit a polyline.

Note: Model documentation is available only on 64-bit systems.
  1. Verify that the GRIPS system variable is set to 3.
  2. In the drawing view containing the section line, click the section line. Grips appear.
  3. To reposition a grip, drag the grip.
    Tip: If the section line is constrained, the degrees of freedom allowed for dragging may be restricted. Tap SHIFT while dragging to relax the constraints.
  4. To add a line segment:
    1. Move the cursor over the grip you want to insert the segment at. A menu displays.
    2. Click Add Segment.
    3. Click in the drawing area to indicate the end point of the line segment.
  5. To add a vertex:
    1. Move the cursor over a vertex. A menu displays.
    2. Click Add Vertex.
    3. Click in the position to add the vertex.
  6. To remove a vertex:
    1. Move the cursor over the vertex to delete. A menu displays.
    2. Click Delete Vertex.