-ACTSTOP (Command)

Stops the Action Recorder and, from the command line, provides the option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file

The following prompts are displayed.


Enter a name for the action macro.


Specifies a description for the current action macro.


Defines the behavior of the action macro during playback. Enter Yes or No to change the settings.

Restore the original view before a request for input

Restores the view prior to the playback of an action macro when a request for user input occurs.

Restore the original view after playback is complete

Restores the view prior to the playback of an action macro when playback is complete

Prompt during playback if inconsistencies are found

Specifies if the action macro should be scanned for inconsistencies between the current drawing state and the drawing state when the macro was recorded.


Stops and saves the action macro recording with the specified name.