To Customize Double-Click Actions

Double-click actions can be created and modified to allow for a quick way to edit an object.

Display the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor

Create a Double-Click Action

  1. In the Customize tab, Customizations In <file name> pane, right-click the Double Click Actions node. Click New Double Click Action.

    The new double-click action (named DoubleClick1) is placed at the bottom of the Double Click Actions node.

  2. Right-click DoubleClick1. Click Rename and enter a new double-click action name.
  3. In the Properties pane, do the following:
    • In the Description box, enter a description for the double-click action.
    • In the Object Name box, enter a DXF name or one of the special object names used for an insert object. The value will automatically be converted to uppercase after the box loses focus.
  4. In the Command List pane, drag the command you want to add to the double-click action in the Customizations In <file name> pane.
    Note: Only a single command can be associated with a double-click action at a time.
  5. Click Apply.

Modify a Double Click Action

  1. In the Customize tab, Customizations In <file name> pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the Double Click Actions node to expand it.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the double click action you want to modify to expand it.
  3. Select the double-click action.

    In the Properties pane, the properties for the selected double-click action are displayed.

  4. In the Object Name box, enter a DXF name or one of the special object names used for an insert object.
  5. If you want to replace the current command assigned to the double-click action, drag a command from the Command List pane to the double-click action in the Customizations In <file name> pane.
  6. Click Apply.