DependentBundles Element Reference

The DependentBundles element is used to specify which plug-in bundles must be available in order for another plug-in bundle to load.

There are times when one plug-in bundle might depend on the files of another plug-in bundle to run correctly. Using a DependentBundles element, you can instruct AutoCAD to only load a plug-in bundle when a bundle with a specific upgrade code or version is installed and loaded.

The DependentBundles element is optional, and can contain one or more DependentBundle elements. DependentBundle elements are used to identify which plug-in bundles must be installed and loaded before your plug-in bundle can be loaded.

DependentBundle Element




Must be identical to the UpgradeCode attribute in the ApplicationPackage element of the dependent plug-in bundle.


Optional; defines the minimum version of the plug-in bundle in which this plug-in bundle has a dependency on.

The value is compared against the AppVersion attribute in the ApplicationPackage element of the dependent plug-in bundle.


Optional; defines the maximum version of the plug-in bundle in which this plug-in bundle has a dependency on.

he value is compared against the AppVersion attribute in the ApplicationPackage element of the dependent plug-in bundle.

A DependentBundle element can contain, or encapsulate, a Component element. Adding a Component element allows you to define a dependency on a specific component entry within a plug-in bundle. The Name attribute of the Component element must match that of the AppName attribute of the ComponentEntry in which this plug-in bundle has a dependency on.

The following example defines a dependency on two components of the plug-in bundle with an UpgradeCode that matches "GUID-Value":

  <DependentBundle UpgradeCode="GUID-Value" VersionMin="1" VersionMax="2">
    <Component AppName="App1" />
    <Component AppName="App2" />