Edit Dialog Box (Schematic Lookup File)

Add or modify records in the schematic_lookup.mdb file to use for mapping panel footprints and terminal representations to the equivalent schematic component block names.

 Command entry:  AESCHEMATICDB

This lookup database table is a catalog lookup Access .mdb file that can be expanded as needed. Use either Microsoft Access or this dialog box to add new entries, edit or delete entries from the table.


Sorts the list of database records using either an alphanumeric sort or number values. You can specify four sorts to perform on the list.


Specifies the value to find and then jumps to the next occurrence of the specified text. This searches in a specific column or in the entire table.


Indicates to replace the find value with the new text string that you specify.


Filters the listing based on certain values in the table. Picking the blank entry in the list removes the filter for that field. After you define the values to filter, apply the filter in the database editing window.


Displays the Edit Record dialog box for modifying the existing record in the database.

Add New

Displays the Edit New Record dialog box for entering a new record into the database.

Add Copy

Displays the Edit Copied Record dialog box for modifying and copying the record to make a new record. You cannot have two duplicate copies in the database.


Removes the selected record from the database.