Modifies the icon menu. You can rearrange icons using drag and drop in the Symbol Preview window, add icons, create new submenus, delete icons, cut/copy/paste icons, and modify icon properties.
Command entry: AEMENUWIZ
Note: You can lock the icon menu (.dat) file using the Windows File Properties dialog box so unauthorized users cannot modify the .dat file. In the Windows File Properties dialog box, set the file attributes to Read-only.
The tree structure is created by reading the icon menu file (.dat). The displayed nodes are based on the order of arrangement of submenus defined in the .dat file.
Menu: Changes the visibility of the Menu tree view.
Up one level: Displays the menu that is one level before the current menu in the Menu tree view.
Views: Changes the view display for the Symbol Preview window. The current view option is indicated with a check mark. Options include: Icon with text, Icon only or List view.
Add: Modifies the icon menu by adding icons for commands, components, or circuits or add a new submenu.
Symbol Preview window
Displays the symbol images corresponding to the menu or the submenu selected in the Menu section.
You can drag icons within the Symbol Preview window for rearrangement (multiple selection is allowed) such as placing commonly used icons at the top and rarely used icons at the bottom of the window.
Note: When you move the cursor over an icon, the icon name, and block/circuit/command name display as tooltip information.
Right-click menus
Options for the Menu tree structure view
Right-click a menu or submenu in the Menu tree structure view to display the following options:
Expand/Collapse: Toggles the visibility of the menus.
New submenu: Creates a submenu in the tree structure and the Symbol Preview window.
Cut: (available for submenus only) Removes the selected submenu and its contents from the list. You can then paste the submenu into another submenu or a main menu.
Note: The menu number does not change during a Cut and Paste. For example, if you cut menu number 100 and paste it into another submenu page, the pasted menu page is still menu number 100.
Copy: (available for submenus only) Makes a copy of the highlighted submenu and stores it in the Paste clipboard. You can then paste the submenu and its contents into another submenu or a main menu.
Note: A new menu number is created for the pasted submenu. The next available menu number (greater than 99) is assigned.
Paste: Adds the copied or cut submenu to the highlighted menu or submenu.
Delete: (available for submenus only) Deletes the submenu and all related content.
Properties: Opens a Properties dialog box to modify the existing menu or submenu properties like the menu name, image, or submenu title. The existing data in the *.dat file is overwritten with your changes once you click OK.
Options for the Symbol Preview window
Right-click an icon or in empty space in the Symbol Preview window to display the following options:
View: Changes the view display for the Symbol Preview window. The current view option is indicated with a check mark. Options include: Icon with text, Icon only or List view.
Add icon: Adds new icons (component, command, or circuit) or adds an existing circuit into the Symbol Preview window.
New submenu: Creates a submenu in the Symbol Preview window and the tree structure.
Cut: Removes the selected icon from the Symbol Preview window. You can then paste the icon into the desired submenu.
Copy: Makes a copy of the highlighted icon and stores it in the Paste clipboard. You can then paste the icon into the appropriate submenu.
Paste: Adds the copied or cut icon to the highlighted submenu.
Delete: Deletes the icon.
Properties: Opens a Properties dialog box to modify the existing symbol icon properties like the icon name, image, or block names. The existing data in the *.dat file is overwritten with your changes once you click OK.