To Create a One-Line Parent Symbol (Example)

In this exercise, you create a one-line circuit breaker parent using the Symbol Builder tool.

Note: If you exit out of the Symbol Builder, restart it, and on the Select Symbol/Objects dialog box, click Select objects and select any graphics and attributes you added so far. You can then resume from where you left off.
  1. In an AutoCAD drawing, draw the symbol graphics.
    Note: You can also create and modify the graphics for the symbol in the Block Editor environment.
  2. Click Schematic tabOther Tools panelSymbol Builder drop-downSymbol Builder. Find
  3. In the Select Symbol/Objects dialog box, Attribute template section, browse to the Library path where the one-line symbols are stored, C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Acade {version}\Libs\jic125\1-,
  4. In the Attribute template section, choose Symbol: Vertical Parent.
  5. In the Attribute template section, choose Type: (CB) Circuit breakers.
  6. In the Select from drawing section, click Select objects and select the graphics.
  7. Select OK.

Add attributes

In this part of the exercise, you insert some AutoCAD Electrical toolset attributes from the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor. You are not limited to these attributes, and you can include your own user-defined attributes on the AutoCAD Electrical toolset block files.

The TAG1 and WDTYPE attributes are the only required attributes for a one-line parent symbol. The other attributes in the Required section are expected on a one-line parent symbol, however the symbol is recognized as a one-line parent symbol without them.

The WDTYPE attribute value must have a value of “1-” for a one-line symbol or “1-1” for a one-line bus-tap symbol.

  1. If the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor is not visible,

    Click Symbol Builder tabEdit panelPalette Visibility Toggle. Find

  2. Select the TAG1 attribute.
  3. Select the Properties tool to launch the Insert/Edit Attributes dialog box.
  4. Change the height to 0.125 and Justify to Center.

    The value is predefined as “CB” since the Circuit breaker template was selected. It is the default code used as the %F value of the tag format (such as “CR” , “PB”, “LT”)

  5. Select OK.
  6. Click the Insert Attribute tool.
  7. Select an insertion point for the attribute.
    Note: You can also right-click and select Insert Attribute or drag the attribute to insert it.
  8. Select WDTYPE, click the Insert Attribute tool, and insert it.

    The WDTYPE attribute has a value of “1-” and is invisible by default. It is required to identify the symbol as a one-line symbol.

  9. Select DESC1, click the Insert Attribute tool, and insert it below TAG1.
  10. Repeat to insert the INST and LOC attributes above TAG1.
  11. Select MFG, CAT, and ASSYCODE. Click the Insert Attribute tool, and insert them near the center of the rectangle.
    Note: If the CAT and ASSYCODE attributes are not listed they are inserted with MFG as a group.
  12. Repeat to insert the FAMILY attribute near the center of the rectangle.

Add wire connection attributes

You can define wire connection points for the library symbol. When you add a wire connection, you select the style, the direction the wire connects from, and whether to include the optional TERMxx and TERMDESCxx attributes. In this exercise, wire connection attributes are inserted at the top and bottom of the symbol.

  1. If the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor is not visible,

    Click Symbol Builder tabEdit panelPalette Visibility Toggle. Find

  2. Expand the Wire Connection section of the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor.
  3. Expand the Direction/Style list and select Top/None.

    This style contains just the wire connection attributes with no graphics. Select Others to display the Insert Wire Connections dialog box for selecting other styles.

  4. Select the Insert Wire Connection tool and insert the wire connection attributes. The wire connection attribute, X2TERM01, and the terminal pin attribute, TERM01, are inserted.
  5. Back on the Symbol Builder Attribute Editor, expand the Wire Connection list and select Bottom/None.
  6. Select the Insert Wire Connection tool and insert the wire connection attributes. The wire connection attribute, X8TERM02, and the terminal pin attribute, TERM02, are inserted.

Finishing the one-line parent symbol

  1. Click Symbol Builder tabEdit panelDone. Find
  2. Click Base Point: Pick point and select the center of the symbol.
  3. Select Wblock. Wblock creates the symbol .dwg file, while Block creates the symbol for this drawing file only.
  4. Enter the Name and file path or keep the default. AutoCAD Electrical toolset provides a default name for the new symbol based on the attribute template selected. Avoid changing the first four letters of the file name and limit the total length to 32 characters.
    Note: One-line symbols follow the same naming convention as schematic parent and child symbols. For convenience the one-line symbols provided have a “1-” suffix. However, the symbol name does not define the symbol as a one-line symbol.
  5. (Optional) If you are going to add the symbol to the icon menu at a later time using the Icon Menu Wizard, check Icon image. Enter the image name and folder.
  6. (Optional) Click Details to see the Symbol Audit dialog box listing potential issues with your symbol.
  7. Select OK.
  8. Select Close Block Editor from the block editor toolbar.
  9. (Optional) Select Yes to insert the symbol on the drawing and select a location. If you place the component on an existing wire, the wire breaks. The component tag is assigned.