How to set up a project-specific environment.
You can create an alternate environment settings ENV file and assign it to the active project. Customer-specific ENV files can be created to store customer settings, paths, libraries, and menus. Whenever the project is selected, the settings in the referenced ENV file are restored automatically.
- Copy the
wd.env file and rename it to a {projectname}.env.
- Open and edit this new file in an external text editor such as Notepad.
Note: There is no editing tool or wizard for this purpose within AutoCAD Electrical toolset.
- Change the path for the library symbols and other settings as required.
- Save to the same folder as the wd.env file:
C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Acade {version}\AeData\.
Note: All environment files, including the project-specific files, must be located in the same folder as the default wd.env file.
- Right-click a project name, select Settings, and then click Environment File button to select the project-specific ENV file for use.