To Work With Wire Gaps

Insert, remove, or flip wire gaps.

Insert Wire Gaps

  1. Click Schematic tab Insert Wires/Wire Numbers panelInsert Wires drop-downGap. Find
  2. Select the wire to remain solid.
  3. Select the crossing wire to have the gap.

    The gap inserts into the second wire.

Note: You can turn off the automatic gap/loop feature by selecting Solid in the Wiring Style section of the Drawing Properties Style dialog box.

Remove Wire Gaps

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelModify Wire Gap drop-downDelete Wire Gap. Find
  2. Select the wire segments near the unneeded gaps.

    The gap is removed from the second wire.

Flip Wire Gaps

  1. Click Schematic tabEdit Wires/Wire Numbers panelModify Wire Gap drop-downFlip Wire Gap. Find
  2. Select the wire that has the gap/loops to flip. You can also window the wires containing the gaps to flip by pressing a W, then windowing the wires.

    AutoCAD Electrical toolset makes the gapped wire solid and flips the gap/loop to the crossing wires.