Adds or edits the information in the user-defined pick list.
FindSpecifies if the component (or circuit) is Schematic or Panel.
Specifies if it should be inserted as a block or exploded upon insert (as you would for a circuit).
* = match any characters
? = match any single character
# = match any single numeric digit
@ = match any single alphabetic character
(These options are not available for exploded inserts) Options for specifying the manufacturer code, assembly code, and text values. If the catalog information includes an ASSYCODE value, include it in the record to ensure a complete match. If the same footprint is used no matter what the ASSYCODE value is (ex: different combinations of contact blocks on a base relay) then use " * " wildcard character for the ASSYCODE value in the record.
The TEXTVALS value can be used to filter your pick list based on the component's FAMILY code value. For this to work, the text substring "FAMILY=<family code>" needs to be somewhere in each line of text to be displayed. The TEXTVALS field can also be used to auto-fill attribute values on insertion. For example, if the line includes the substring "MFG=AB;CAT=1492;LOC=PNL1" then the MFG, CAT, and LOC edit boxes will auto-fill with the values "AB", "1492", and "PNL1" respectively.