Terminal Block Settings Dialog Box

Adds or updates the symbols available to build a module.

 Command entry:  AEPLCDB

Click Settings.

You can add a terminal to the list by clicking in any box in the last entry of the list. A blank entry line is added to the bottom of the list. Define the block name, assign it to a terminal category for selection, give it a description, and assign a bitmap to uses for dialog box displays.

Block File Name

Defines the AutoCAD drawing file name that is inserted if this terminal is included in your PLC module. These PLC symbols are stored in the symbol library of the active project with the other AutoCAD Electrical toolset component symbols. Their file names begin with the characters "HP" (Horizontal ladder rungs/PLC) or "VP" (Vertical ladder rungs/PLC) followed by a digit that corresponds to a PLC I/O style number.


Defines the category for the terminal. When you add a new terminal, you select from a list of terminal categories and that group of terminals is displayed. There are some categories by default (such as Input or Output) but you can add your own by typing in the edit box. This new category is added to the list.

Unique Description

Specifies the description that appears underneath the terminal in the Select Terminal Information dialog box.

Sample Bitmap File

Specifies the bitmap file for the terminal type. They are visible on the Select Terminal Information dialog box. If you are adding your own terminals, you can create corresponding bitmap files. Enter your bitmap name in the box or Browse for it. The next time you select a terminal type, the bitmap is displayed.

Graphics Style

Specifies the graphical appearance of the PLC module. Styles 1-5 are predefined, styles 6-9 may be user-defined. Select a style number - a sample portion of a PLC module displays.

There are about two dozen symbols (with a file name "HP?*.dwg" where "?" is the style number) associated with each style. They are located in \Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Acade {version}\libs\{library}\.

To create a style, copy symbols of an existing style to one of the unused style numbers (6-9) and edit each library symbol.

View Drawing or View Bitmap

Displays the AutoCAD .dwg or bitmap file for the selected terminal. You can see the attributes of a specific terminal and the placement of each.

Add Blocks From Module

Opens a dialog box for selecting a module to add terminal blocks from. Select the module from the list and click OK.