
New Commands and System Variables Reference

Provides a quick guide to which commands are new in this release.

2023 New Commands and System Variables

New commands Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
COUNT Counts and highlights the instances of the selected object in the drawing. X X
COUNTAREA Defines the area to count the instances of an object or block.
Note: Only available while a count is active.
COUNTAREACLOSE Cancels the count selection area.
Note: Only available while a count is active.
COUNTCLOSE Closes the Count toolbar and ends the count. X X
COUNTFIELD Creates a field that's set to the value of the current count. X X
COUNTLIST Opens the Count palette to view and manage the counted blocks. X X
COUNTLISTCLOSE Closes the Count palette. X X
COUNTNAVNEXT Zooms to the next object in the count result. X X
COUNTNAVPREV Zooms to the previous object in the count result. X X
COUNTTABLE Inserts a table containing the block names and the corresponding count of each block in the drawing. X X
CUTBASE Copies selected objects to the Clipboard, along with a specified base point, and removes them from the drawing. X X
EXPORTUSERSETTINGS Exports custom user settings for import on another machine. X X
IMPORTUSERSETTINGS Imports custom user settings from an export file created previously with EXPORTUSERSETTINGS. X X
SELECTCOUNT Finds all objects within the current count that match the properties of the selected objects, and then adds them to the selection set.
Note: Only available while a count is active.
SHARE Shares a link to a copy of the current drawing to view or edit in the AutoCAD web app. The drawing copy includes all external references and images. X X
TABLESTYLE Creates, modifies, or specifies table styles. X X
TRACE Opens and manages traces from the command prompt. X X
TRACEBACK Displays the host drawing with full saturation, while dimming the trace geometry. X X
TRACEFRONT Displays the active trace with full saturation, while dimming the host drawing geometry. X X
TRACEPALETTECLOSE Closes the Trace palette. X X
TRACEPALETTEOPEN Opens the Trace palette where you can view and manage traces in the current drawing. X X
TRACEEDIT Changes the active trace to edit mode. X X
TRACEVIEW Changes the active trace to view mode. X X
New system variables Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
ANNOSCALEZOOM Controls whether the mouse wheel zoom in paperspace viewports is controlled by specific zoom scales or is independent (legacy behavior). X X
COLORTHEME Sets the color theme of the toolsets, palettes, and several other interface elements to dark or light. X X
COUNTCHECK Controls the checking for errors in the count. X X
COUNTCOLOR Sets the highlighting color on objects in a count. X X
COUNTERRORCOLOR Sets the highlighting color on objects that can cause potential errors in a count. X X
COUNTERRORNUM Displays the number errors in the current count. X X
COUNTNUMBER Displays the number of the current count. X X
COUNTPALETTESTATE Reports whether the Count palette is open or closed. X X
COUNTSERVICE Controls the background indexing of the count. X X
FASTSHADEDMODE Specifies whether the new cross platform 3D graphics system is turned on or off. X
JIGZOOMMAX Controls the maximum percentage of the view dimensions that the block extents must fit when being inserted. X X
JIGZOOMMIN Controls the minimum percentage of the view dimensions that the block extents must fit when being inserted. X X
TRACECURRENT Displays the name of the active trace when TRACEMODE=1 or 2. X X
TRACEDISPLAYMODE Indicates whether the tracing paper effect is displayed (front) or not (back) while a trace is active. X X
TRACEFADECTL Controls the amount of fading when TRACEMODE is active. The setting effects only the objects not being edited - the host drawing geometry or Trace geometry. X X
TRACEMODE Indicates whether Trace is active and which mode is current - editing or viewing. X X
TRACEOSNAP Controls whether object snaps apply to trace geometry while viewing a trace. X X
TRACEPALETTESTATE Reports whether the Trace palette is open or closed. X X
TRACEPAPERCTL Controls the opaqueness of the tracing paper effect. The lower the number, the more transparent the tracing paper is. X X

2022 New Commands and System Variables

New commands Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
EXPORTLAYOUT Creates a visual representation of the current layout in the model space of a new drawing. X X
PURGEAECDATA Removes the invisible AutoCAD Architecture custom data in the drawing allowing you to save the drawing to a previous version without any warnings. X X

2021 New Commands and System Variables

New commands Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
BREAKATPOINT Breaks the selected object into two objects at a specified point. X X
-INSERTCONTENT Inserts a drawing or block into the current drawing. X X
-PAGESETUP Command line version of the PAGESETUP command intended for overriding the settings of page setups in scripts and other customization. X X
REVCLOUDPROPERTIES Controls the approximate chord-length for the arcs in a selected revision cloud. X X
XCOMPARE Compares an attached xref with the latest state of the referenced drawing file, highlighting the differences with color within revision clouds. X X
XCOMPARECLOSE Closes the Xref Compare visor and ends the comparison. X X
XCOMPARERCNEXT Zooms to the next change set of the xref comparison result. X X
XCOMPARERCPREV Zooms to the previous change set of the xref comparison result. X X
New system variables Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
COMMANDWINDOWDOCKSTATE Indicates whether the command window is docked or floating. X X
COMPARESHOWCONTEXT Controls the visibility of objects that are not used in the xref comparison. X X
REVCLOUDARCVARIANCE Controls whether revcloud arcs are created with varying or uniform chord lengths. X X
SECUREREMOTEACCESS Controls whether ObjectARX programs are restricted from accessing internet locations or remote servers. X X
TEXTGAPSELECTION Controls whether you can select text or mtext objects within the gaps or spaces between the letters. X X
TEXTLAYER Specifies a default layer for new text and multiline text objects in the current drawing. X X
TRIMEDGES Controls whether trimming and extending to hatches with Quick mode is limited to the edges of the hatches or includes the objects within hatch patterns. X X
TRIMEXTENDMODE Controls whether the TRIM and EXTEND commands use streamlined inputs by default. X X
XCOMPAREBAKPATH Specifies the path where the backup xref file is stored. X X
XCOMPAREBAKSIZE Sets the size of the folder where the backup xref file is stored. X X
XCOMPARECOLORMODE Switches the visual effect of objects in the host drawing during an xref comparison. X X
XCOMPAREENABLE Enables the comparison between an xref and the referenced drawing file. X X

2020 New Commands and System Variables

New commands Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
CLASSICINSERT Inserts a block or drawing into the current drawing using the classic version of the INSERT command. X X
COMPARECLOSE Closes the DWG Compare visor and exits the comparison. X X
COMPAREEXPORT Exports the comparison results into a new drawing, called a snapshot drawing, and opens the drawing. X X
COMPAREIMPORT Imports objects from the compared file into the current drawing. Only the selected objects that exist in the compared file and not in the current file are imported. X X
COMPAREINFO Displays the information about the two compared drawing files. X X
New system variables Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
BLOCKMRULIST Controls the number of most recently used blocks displayed in the Recent pane of the Blocks palette. X X
BLOCKREDEFINEMODE Controls whether a dialog box displays when inserting a block from the Blocks palette with the same name as an existing block definition. X X
LTGAPSELECTION Controls whether you can select or snap to the gaps on objects defined with non-continuous linetype. X X
MEASUREMODE Controls whether the MEASUREGEOM command always defaults to the Quick option. X X
ROLLOVERTIPS Controls the display of rollover tooltips when the cursor hovers over an object. X X

2019 New Commands and System Variables

New commands Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
COMPARE Provides a visual comparison between two drawings, highlighting the differences. X X
-COMPARE Provides a visual comparison between two drawings, highlighting the differences, using the command line. X X
NEWVIEW Saves a new, named view from the display in the current viewport, or by defining a rectangular window. X X
New system variables Description AutoCAD AutoCAD LT
COMPARECOLOR1 Sets the color in the comparison drawing for the objects that exist only in the first drawing selected for comparison. X X
COMPARECOLOR2 Sets the color in the comparison drawing for the objects that exist only in the second drawing selected for comparison. X X
COMPARECOLORCOMMON Sets the color in the comparison drawing for the objects that are identical in the two drawings selected for comparison. X X
COMPAREFRONT Controls the default display order of overlapping objects in the comparison drawing. X X
COMPAREHATCH Controls whether hatch objects are included in the drawing comparison. X X
COMPAREPROPS Controls whether a change in an object's property is identified as a change in the drawing comparison. X X
COMPARERCMARGIN Specifies the offset distance between the boundary of a change set and the revision cloud in the comparison drawing. X X
COMPARERCSHAPE Controls whether individual changes are merged as a single large rectangle or a series of smaller rectangle in the compare result drawing. X X
COMPARESHOW1 Displays the objects that exists only in the first drawing. X X
COMPARESHOW2 Displays the objects that exists only in the second drawing. X X
COMPARESHOWCOMMON Displays the objects that are identical in both the drawings that are being compared. X X
COMPARESHOWRC Shows a revision cloud around the difference in the compare result drawing. X X
COMPARETEXT Controls whether text objects are included in the drawing comparison. X X
COMPARETOLERANCE Specifies the tolerance used when comparing two drawing files-entities are considered identical if they are below or equal to a specified decimal point value. X X
VISRETAINMODE Controls which xref layer properties to automatically sync on reload when the VISRETAIN system variable is set to 1. X X
XREFLAYER Specifies a default layer for a new xref. X X

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