General Properties of Objects

Each graphical object in a drawing shares a common set of properties known as the general properties.


The following general properties are common to most graphical objects.

Note: Layers or objects that are assigned property overrides in viewports display a ByLayer (VP) value and a background color for applicable properties.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Specifies the color for objects. Selecting Select Color in the color list allows you to define the color of objects by selecting from the 255 AutoCAD Color Index (ACI) colors, true colors, and color book colors (see COLOR).


Specifies the current layer of the object. The list shows all layers in the current drawing (see LAYER).


Specifies the current linetype of the object. The list shows all linetypes in the current drawing (see LINETYPE).

Linetype Scale

Specifies the linetype scale factor of the object (see LTSCALE).

Plot Style

Lists NORMAL, BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, plus any plot styles contained in the current plot style table (see PLOTSTYLE).


Specifies the lineweight of the object. The list shows all available lineweights in the current drawing (see LWEIGHT).


Specifies the transparency of the object (see TRANSPARENCY).


Sets the current 3D thickness. This property does not apply to all objects (see CHPROP).