Provides a quick guide to which commands were removed in this release.
2023 Obsolete Commands and System Variables
System variables | Description | Additional Information | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
COLORSCHEME | Stores the current color scheme used by the program. | Replaced with COLORTHEME | X | X |
2018 Obsolete Commands and System Variables
Commands | Description | Additional Information | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
RENDERONLINE | Uses the online resources in Autodesk A360 to create an image of a 3D solid or surface model. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
System variables | Description | Additional Information | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
EPDFSHX | Controls whether text objects using SHX fonts are stored in PDF files as comments when you export a drawing as a PDF file. | Replaced with PDFSHX | X | X |
2017 Obsolete Commands and System Variables
Commands | Description | Additional Information | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
CLEANSCREENON | Clears the screen of the menu bar and all palettes. | Removed. Replaced with FULLSCREEN. | X | X |
CLEANSCREENOFF | Restores the state of the display before CLEANSCREENON was used. | Removed. Replaced with FULLSCREEN. | X | X |
PALETTEICONON | Collapses all open palettes, except command line and status bar, to a small bar displayed along the left or right side of the screen. | Removed | X | X |
PALETTEICONOFF | Restores the display of all palettes collapsed by PALETTEICONON. | Removed | X | X |
RENDER | Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
-RENDER | Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model from the Command prompt. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
RENDERENVIRONMENT | Controls visual cues for the apparent distance of objects. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
RENDEROUTPUTSIZE | Specifies the image size to create when rendering a 3D model. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
-RENDEROUTPUTSIZE | Specifies the image size to create when rendering a 3D model. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
RENDERWIN | Displays the Render window without starting a rendering operation. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
RENDERWINDOW | Displays the Render window without starting a rendering operation. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
RENDERWINDOWCLOSE | Closes the Render window. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
SAVEIMG | Saves a rendered image to a file. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
System variables | Description | Additional Information | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
CLEANSCREENSTATE | Indicates whether the clean screen state is on or off. | Removed. | X | X |
CSHADOW | Sets the shadow display property for a 3D object. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
ICONSIZE | Controls the size of the icons displayed on the Tool Sets palette and status bar. | Removed. | X | X |
LINEARBRIGHTNESS | Controls the brightness level of the viewport when using default lighting or generic lights. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
LINEARCONTRAST | Controls the contrast level of the viewport when using default lighting or generic lights. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
LOGEXPBRIGHTNESS | Controls the brightness level of the viewport when using photometric lighting. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
LOGEXPCONTRAST | Controls the contrast level of the viewport when using photometric lighting. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
LOGEXPDAYLIGHT | Controls if the exterior daylight flag is enabled when using photometric lighting. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
LOGEXPMIDTONES | Controls the mid tones level of the viewport when using photometric lighting. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
LOGEXPPHYSICALQUALITY | Controls the relative brightness of self-illuminated materials in a photometric environment. | Removed. | X | Does not apply |
PALETTEICONSTATE | Indicates whether palettes are in icon state. | Removed. | X | X |
PAPERSPACEVISOR | Controls the display of the Layout visor when switching to a named layout. | Removed. | X | X |
STATUSBAR | Controls the display of the status bar. | Replaced with commands STATUSBAR and STATUSBARCLOSE | X | X |