Advanced Options Dialog Box (Plot Stamp)

Determines the location, text properties, and units of the plot stamp.

PLOTSTAMP (Command): Advanced

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Location and Offset

Determines the plot stamp location, the orientation of the plot stamp, and the offset you want to apply relative to either the printable area or the paper border.


Indicates the area where you want to place the plot stamp. Selections include Top Left, Bottom Left (default), Bottom Right, and Top Right. The location is relative to the image orientation of the drawing on the page.


Indicates the rotation of the plot stamp in relation to the specified page. The options are Horizontal and Vertical for each of the locations (for example, Top Left Horizontal and Top Left Vertical).

Stamp Upside Down

Rotates the plot stamp upside down.

X Offset

Determines the X offset value that is calculated from either the corner of the paper or the corner of the printable area, depending on which setting you specify. If you specify Offset Relative to Paper Border, the offset value is calculated so that the plot stamp information fits within the designated paper size. If the offset value positions the plot stamp information beyond the printable area, the plot stamp text is cut off.

Y Offset

Determines the Y offset value that is calculated from either the corner of the paper or the corner of the printable area, depending on which setting you specify. If you specify Offset Relative to Paper Border, the offset value is calculated so that the plot stamp information fits within the paper size.

Offset Relative to Printable Area

Calculates the offset values that you specify from the corner of the printable area of the paper (not the corner of the paper).

Offset Relative to Paper Border

Calculates the offset values that you specify from the corner of the paper (not the corner of the printable area of the paper).

Text Properties

Determines the font, height, and number of lines you want to apply to the plot stamp text.


Specifies the TrueType font you want to apply to the text used for the plot stamp information.


Specifies the text height you want to apply to the plot stamp information.

Single Line Plot Stamp

Places the plot stamp information in a single line of text. The plot stamp information can consist of up to two lines of text, but the placement and offset values you specify must accommodate text wrapping and text height. If this option is cleared, plot stamp text is wrapped after the third field.

Plot Stamp Units

Specifies the units used to measure X offset, Y offset, and height. You can define units using inches, millimeters, or pixels.

Two sets of values for the plot stamp size and location are saved in the PSS file: one for the dimensionless file formats and the other for dimensional file formats. If the units you select in the dialog box are dimensional, then the dimensional values are displayed and modified. To access the dimensionless values, you need to select pixels as the unit of measurement. Regardless of the units selected in the dialog box, the correct set of values is applied at plot time. In other words, changing the unit of measurement does not cause the values to be recalculated.

Log File Location

Writes the plot stamp information to a log file instead of, or in addition to, stamping the current plot. If plot stamping is turned off, the log file can still be created.

Create a Log File

Writes the plot stamp information to a log file. The default log file is plot.log, and it is located in the main application folder.

You can specify a different file name and path. After the initial plot.log file is created, the plot stamp information in each succeeding plotted drawing is added to this file. Each drawing's plot stamp information is a single line of text. The plot stamp log file can be placed on a network drive and shared by multiple users. Plot stamp information from each user is appended to the plot.log file.

Log File Name

Specifies the file name for the log file you are creating. Enter a new file name if you do not want to use the default file name, plot.log.


Lists the currently saved plot stamp log files. You can choose to overwrite an existing plot stamp log file with the currently specified plot stamp information, and then to save this file.