Status Bar Quick Reference

The status bar provides quick access to tools that affect the drawing environment.

Status Bar Button Name Description
Find Coordinates Displays the coordinates of the cursor position.
Find Model Space Indicates that you are currently working in model space. In model space, click this button to display the most recently accessed layout. In a layout, click his button to switch from model space in a layout viewport to paper space.
Find Paper Space Indicates that you are currently working in a layout. Click this button to switch from paper space to model space in a layout viewport.
Find Grid Displays a grid in the drawing area.
Find Snap Mode Turns on snap-to-grid. When grid snaps are turned on, the cursor snaps to specified grid intervals as you move the cursor. When polar snaps are turned on, the cursor snaps to specified distances along specified polar alignment paths.

Infer Constraints

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.
Applies geometric constraints automatically when you create or edit geometry.
Find Dynamic Input Displays a tooltip near the cursor, which you can use to specify options for commands and values for distances and angles.
Orthomode Constrains cursor movement to the horizontal or vertical directions.
Find Polar Tracking Tracks the cursor along specified polar angles.
Find Isometric Drafting Simulates an isometric drawing environment by aligning objects along isometric axes, where the angle between each axis is 120°.
Find Object Snap Tracking Tracks the cursor along vertical and horizontal alignment paths from object snap points.
Find 2D Object Snap Snaps the cursor to the nearest 2D reference point, as you move the cursor. For example endpoints, centers of circles, midpoints, and so on.
Find LineWeight Displays lineweights in a drawing. Model space displays lineweights using a proportional pixel width. Layouts display lineweights using real-world units.
Find Transparency Turns on transparency for all objects that have their transparency property set to a non-zero value. When this button is turned off, all objects are opaque.
Find Selection Cycling Turns on selection cycling, a feature that assists you select an object, when objects overlap one another.

3D Object Snap

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.
Snaps the cursor to the nearest 3D reference point, as you move the cursor. For example vertexes, midpoints on edges, nearest to face, and so on.

Dynamic UCS

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.
Temporarily aligns the XY plane of the UCS to a planar face of a 3D solid.

Selection Filtering

Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.
Specifies what objects are highlighted when you move the cursor over them.


Note: Not available in AutoCAD LT.
Displays 3D gizmos, which helps you move, rotate, or scale a set of objects along a 3D axis or plane.
Find Maximize Viewport Expands the current layout viewport to fill the screen, for editing.
Find Minimize Viewport
Note: This button replaces on the status bar when the viewport is maximized.
Restores a layout viewport that is maximized.
Find Annotation Visibility Displays annotative objects using the annotation scale. When turned off, annotative objects are displayed at the current scale.
Find AutoScale Automatically adds annotation scales to all annotative objects, when the annotation scale changes.
Find Annotation Scale Sets the current annotation scale for annotative objects in model space.
Find Viewport Lock Locks the display of a layout viewport. When you zoom while the viewport is locked, zoom is applied to the entire layout, leaving the viewport scale in the layout viewport unchanged.
Find Viewport Scale Displays the scale of the selected viewport. This is visible only when you select a viewport
Find Viewport Scale Sync Indicates that the viewport scale and the annotation scale are equal. This is visible only when you select a viewport
Find Viewport Scale Sync
Note: This icon replaces on the status bar when the viewport scale and annotation scale are equal.
Indicates that the viewport scale and the annotation scale are different. This is visible only when you select a viewport
Find Workspace Switching Changes the current workspace to the one you select.
Find Annotation Monitor Turns on the annotation monitor. When the annotation monitor is on, the system displays a badge on all nonassociative annotations.
Find Units Set the drawing units for the current drawing.
Find Quick Properties Displays the Quick Properties window when objects are selected.
Find Lock UI Locks the position and size of toolbars and dockable windows such as DesignCenter and the Properties window.
Find Graphics Performance Enables hardware acceleration to utilize the GPU of the installed graphics card instead of utilizing your computer's CPU.
Find Clean Screen Maximizes the drawing area by clearing it of the ribbon, toolbars, and dockable windows, except the command window.
Find Clean Screen
Note: This button replaces on the status bar when the drawing area is maximized.
Restores the ribbon, toolbars, and dockable windows.
Find Isolate Objects Hide selected objects in the drawing area, or display objects that were hidden previously.
Find Customization Specifies what command buttons to display on the status bar.