Control Codes and Special Characters

Unicode characters can be used to enter special characters, overscore and underscore text, or insert a special symbol by including control information in the text string.


Use a pair of percent signs to introduce each control sequence.

You can use this control code with standard AutoCAD 2023 text fonts and Adobe PostScript fonts.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

%% nnn

Draws character number nnn.

You can use these control codes with standard AutoCAD 2023 text fonts only:


Toggles overscoring on and off.


Toggles underscoring on and off.


Draws degrees symbol (°).


Draws plus/minus tolerance symbol (±).


Draws circle diameter dimensioning symbol (ý).


Draws a single percent sign (%). This is valid for the TEXT command only.

Overscoring and underscoring can be in effect at the same time. Both turn off automatically at the end of the text string.

You can use the %%nnn control sequence to display special characters using the PostScript fonts.