To Set the Annotation Scale

You can specify different annotation scales for model space and for individual viewports in paper space.

When you change the annotation scale, annotative objects and objects with annotative components are scaled accordingly. Connected objects, such as the wires connected to devices, are also updated accordingly. You do not need to regenerate the model.

In paper space, the viewport scale and the annotation scale are synchronized. When you change the viewport scale, the annotation scale is changed to match. However, you can change the viewport scale without affecting the annotation scale by zooming in or out of the viewport with the mouse wheel or by using the zoom commands.

To set the current annotation scale

  1. To set the annotation scale for model space, change to the Model tab. To set the annotation scale for a viewport in paper space, select the viewport.
  2. On the status bar, click the current annotation scale, and select a new scale from the flyout menu.

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