To Define the Part Behavior of a Block-Based MvPart

Use this procedure to define the part behavior of a block-based MvPart by specifying the type, subtype, layer key, and method of insertion for all part sizes of the MvPart. For more information, see Behavior of a Block-Based Part.

  1. Select a type from the list.

    Type refers to the main category for the part family; it defines unique characteristics and behaviors for part sizes, such as the ability to assign flow annotation to an HVAC part size. Types are predefined by the application and cannot be modified; therefore, select a type that is similar to the part sizes.

  2. To define a layer key for the new part sizes, click next to Layer Key.
  3. In the Select Layer Key dialog box, select a layer key and click OK.

    The layer key list reflects the set of layer keys currently assigned in your drawing, based on the previously selected layer standard and layer key style. To ensure the best possible layering of part sizes, select a layer key that matches the part type.

  4. For Subtype, select a subtype from the list, or enter a new subtype.

    Subtype is the subcategory for the part family; it is useful for grouping similar parts. The subtype can be used as a filter method for part selection in the MvPart Add command. Therefore, you should select or specify a descriptive subtype name for easy identification.

  5. Select one, both, or none of the following options:
    • This part family automatically BREAKS INTO existing runs. A part size breaks into a run when you add it to your layout. The components remain as individual components. For example, you can move the value without moving either of the connecting pipe segments.

      Adding a valve to a pipe segment

    • This part family automatically ANCHORS to existing runs. A part size anchors to a run when you add it to your layout. The components act together as one when anchored. For example, if you move the duct run, the louver moves with it.

      Adding a louver to a duct segment

  6. Click Next.

    If Next is unavailable (shaded), information is missing on this page. Verify that you have completed steps 1 through 5.