About Property Set Information for a Block-Based Part

For a part family or an individual part size, you can add additional data properties that can be used to help identify parts during design development or to enhance property set information for scheduling. Using Content Builder, you add custom parameters that have user-defined attributes, including description, data storage, data type, units, and visibility. Custom data can be used for properties such as manufacturer, cost, or even paint color. You can also add parameters by selecting from a list of predefined parameters based on part type, such as material or gauge. You can store property values as a table or list of values, a constant value, or a calculated value. For more information, see Understanding Part Sizes.

You can assign added data parameters to a property set to enhance a schedule. To ensure that the parameter is recognized, you must use same name for both the data parameter and the property in the property set. You can add custom properties to any property set in a drawing. You can also create custom property sets based on new parts you create and the custom data parameters you add to the parts. For more information, see Collecting Project Data.