Auto-Increment Datum and Feature Identifiers

The AMAUTOINCDATUMID system variable controls whether automatic incrementing is enabled for identifiers within datum and feature identifier symbols.

Value Description
0 or OFF A single upper case "A" character is included within the Symbol dialog box (AMDATUMID and AMFEATID). You can either accept the default identifier or manually enter the required identifier for additional, duplicate, or custom identifiers.
1 or ON (default) The auto-incremented identifier is included within the Symbol dialog box (AMDATUMID and AMFEATID). You can accept the default identifier or manually enter the identifier if a duplicate or custom identifier is required.

The automatic incrementing of the identifiers uses upper-case alphabetic characters starting with A, B, C, and so on. Specific characters are omitted depending on the current drafting standard and standard revision.