Diameter Dimension Options Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to specify the format of a diameter dimension.

When dimension text is outside, draw dimension line inside arc/circle

Draws a dimension line inside the circle or arc and places the text, arrowheads, and leader outside. This option is applicable only when the diameter is small and the dimension text must be outside the arc or circle. The preview updates to reflect the selection.


Draw arrows

Places the arrow inside the circle or arc.

When dimension text is inside, hide dimension line inside arc/circle

Suppresses the dimension line inside the circle or arc. This option is applicable only when the dimension text is inside the arc or circle. The preview updates to reflect the selection.

Create landing line

Draws dimension text horizontally when dimension text is outside the circle. This option is not available for the ANSI drafting standard.

Draw center cross

Draws a center mark if you place the dimension line outside the circle or arc. This option is available only for the ANSI drafting standard.