Hole Chart Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to edit hole charts.

Toolbar buttons


Sets coordinates to the Cartesian type.


Sets coordinates to the polar type.


Creates a hole table. The ANSI standard enables this option by default.



Specifies whether the dialog box displays hole chart or hole table details. Select “List of Coordinates” for hole chart and “Hole Table” for hole table.


Sorts columns in a selected hole chart or hole table.


Closes this dialog box temporarily, enabling you to select a hole from the drawing and add it to the current selection set.


Closes this dialog box temporarily, enabling you to select a hole from the drawing and remove it from the current selection set.


Inserts hole chart into the drawing.


Exports data to MS-Excel, to a text editor, or to other supported formats.


Displays the Hole Chart Columns dialog box.


Removes a selected column.


Deletes one or more selected rows.


Displays the Formula Editor dialog box enabling you to specify the formula for the currently selected cell. This button is available only if formulas are applicable for the currently selected cell.


Displays the Fits and Tolerances dialog box enabling you to add fits and/or tolerances to the selected cell. This button is available only if fits and tolerances are applicable to the selected cell.


Sets the internal counter used for auto-numbering the user item column, to the value of the selected cell. When you add a new hole to the hole chart, this counter increments (until it arrives at a unique number). The number appears in the user item cell of the new hole. This button is available only when you select a cell in the user item column.


Renumbers the user item column to reflect the row position in the current sort order.


Displays the column headings in the drawing.


Displays the column title in the drawing.


Controls the display of the grip frame.

Multiple Hole Charts

Contains options to group the selected holes by a filter criteria, and display each group in a separate hole chart. The hole charts thus created share the same origin.


Adds a hole chart to the bottom of the list. A prompt enables you to place the hole chart in the drawing area and the hole chart populates automatically with the holes that not picked up by the other hole charts in the list.


If you use the Add Holes button on nested hole charts, they convert to normal hole charts. Individual origins are erased and the holes are relabeled relative to the origin of the nested hole chart.


Deletes the selected hole chart. The holes that belonged to that hole chart become available in the hole charts below it in the list, provided they satisfy the filter conditions. Holes that do not satisfy a filter condition become unassigned holes.


Moves the selected hole chart one level up. The grouping of holes in the selected chart and the charts below it change. Filters are applied from top to bottom and only the holes that do not satisfy the filter conditions for the hole charts above are available for a given hole chart.


Moves the selected hole chart one level down. The grouping of holes in the selected chart and the charts below it changes. Filters are applied from top to bottom and only the holes that do not satisfy the filter conditions for the hole charts above are available for a given hole chart.


Hole Chart list

Displays the hole charts in the current selection set. Click in any description cell to provide a meaningful name for the hole chart.


Unassigned Holes

Contains options to handle the holes that do not satisfy any of the filter criteria. Unassigned holes are labeled “?” in the drawing area.


Remove button

Removes unassigned holes from the selection set.


Prompt for removal on OK

Prompts for confirmation to remove unassigned holes automatically when you click the OK button.


Main window

Displays coordinate dimensions and diameter sizes of selected holes. To add a tolerance or fit to a dimension, select a cell in this table and right-click, and then click Fits/Tolerances.



Contains options to set filters for the hole chart selected in the multiple hole chart list.


Filters do not apply to nested hole charts.


Filter list

Displays the types of filters set for the hole chart. Additionally, contains a right-click menu to add/remove filters.


Right-click menu items:

  • Add custom filter - Adds a filter, for which you can select from a set of predefined filter conditions that are available from a drop-down list.
  • Add hole selection filter - Adds a filter that enables you to select holes from the drawing area manually. You can add only one hole selection filter per hole chart.
  • Delete - Deletes the filter selected in the filters list.

Details for filter

Contains options enabling you to define the filter criteria for the filter selected in the Filters list.


Drop-down list

Contains predefined filter conditions. This list is visible only if the selected filter type in the filters list is a custom filter.


Edit box

Specifies the operand for the filter condition selected in the drop-down list. This edit box is visible only if the selected filter type in the filters list is a custom filter.



Temporarily hides the Hole Chart dialog box enabling you to select holes from the drawing area. To select a hole, in the drawing area, click the hole. Press ENTER or ESC to return to the Hole Chart dialog box. This button is visible only if the selected filter type in the filters list is a hole selection filter.


Settings button

Displays the Hole Chart Settings dialog box.



Temporarily closes the dialog box to show the drawing area. Highlights the holes that belong to the hole chart selected in the multiple hole chart list. Press ENTER to return to the Hole Chart dialog box.


Apply button

Applies changes to the selected hole chart.