To Split a Hole Chart Using Filters (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

In AutoCAD Mechanical toolset, you can split a hole chart into multiple hole charts by:

This is an example of creating multiple hole charts. The example uses a drawing of a bracket containing Counterbores, Piped Thread, and Clearance holes. It is required to group the holes by hole type and display each group in a separate hole chart.

  1. Set a filter to the hole chart so that it shows only Counterbore holes:
    1. In the drawing area, double-click the hole chart. The Hole Chart dialog box is displayed.
    2. If the Filter bar check box is not selected, select it.
    3. In the Filters frame, right-click the filter list and select Add Custom Filter from the menu. The Details for Filter frame appears.
    4. In the Details for Filter frame, in the left-most drop-down list, select "Counterbore".
    5. In the next drop-down list, select "Is true".
    6. In the Multiple hole charts frame, double-click the Description cell. Type a name (for example, “Counterbore Holes") and press ENTER.
    7. Click Apply. The list in the main window shows only counterbore holes and the Unassigned holes frame shows that some holes are not assigned to a hole chart.
  2. Generate another hole chart from the current hole chart and set a filter to it so that it shows only the piped holes:
    1. In the Multiple hole charts frame, click . The program prompts you to place the hole chart in the drawing area.
    2. Click in the drawing area to indicate the insertion point. The Hole Chart dialog box is displayed again.

      The program automatically assigns unassigned holes to the newly created hole chart.

    3. In the Filters frame, right-click the filter list and select Add Custom Filter from the menu that appears. The Details for Filter frame appears.
    4. In the Details for Filter frame, in the left-most drop-down list, select Description.
    5. In the next drop-down list, select Begins with.
    6. In the adjacent edit box, enter Piped.
    7. In the Multiple hole charts list, click in the Description cell that corresponds to the hole chart and enter Piped Holes.
    8. Click Apply. The list in the main window shows only piped holes and the Unassigned holes frame shows that some holes are not assigned to a hole chart.
  3. Generate another hole chart from the current hole chart to contain the remaining holes:
    1. In the Multiple Hole Charts frame, click . The program prompts you to place the hole chart in the drawing area.
    2. Click in the drawing area to indicate the insertion point. The Hole Chart dialog box is displayed again.

      The unassigned holes are automatically assigned to the newly created hole chart.

  4. Click OK.