Hole Chart Columns Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to configure hole chart columns.


Displays a list of columns that can be displayed in the hole chart. The columns are:


The coordinates of the master origin, in the case of a nested hole chart.


The coordinates of the origin of the hole chart.


Hole label.


X coordinate of the center of the hole (in cartesian coordinates).


Y coordinate of the center of the hole (in cartesian coordinates).


The radial coordinate of the center of the hole (in polar coordinates).


The angular coordinate of the center of hole (in polar coordinates).


The diameter of the hole.


Description of the hole.


A number that is automatically assigned to the hole when the hole is added to the hole chart.


The row number of the hole in the current sort order.


A label that identifies the size (diameter) of a hole in the Hole Table & Hole Chart. In the ANSI standard, this is part of the hole label. Hole item has no relevance for any other standard.


An index number that indicates the position of the hole, in relation to other holes of the same size. In the ANSI standard, this is part of the hole label. Hole Index has no relevance for any other standard.


A number that is automatically assigned to a hole (from an internal counter) at the time the hole is added to the hole chart. The UserItem can be edited at any time and the internal counter that assigns values to the UserItem can be set to a value of choice. It is hence is known as the User Defined Item Number - UserItem. In the CSN, DIN, GB and ISO standards, the UserItem is used with the UserItem Order sorting style, to generate hole labels that don't change when Holes are added, deleted and moved.

Visible in Hole Chart

Makes the selected column visible in the Cartesian or in the polar hole chart.

Lock Editing

Prevents the selected column from being edited.

Caption Alignment

Aligns captions of the hole chart or hole table to the left, to the center, or to the right.

Data Alignment

Aligns data in the cells of the hole chart or hole table to the left, to the center, or to the right.

Data Type

Sets the type of data for the selected column to numeric or to text.


Specifies a precision for numeric data.


Sets the width for the selected column.

Wrap Text

Wraps text in cells of the hole chart or hole table.


Applies the current changes to the drawing.

Expands this dialog box and displays the Add Columns list, from which you can select and add a column to the current hole chart. This button is visible only if you invoke this dialog box from the AM:Standards tab of the Options dialog box.

Apply to all multiple hole charts

Applies changes to all hole charts in the multiple hole chart list in the Hole Charts dialog box. If this option is cleared, only the hole chart that is selected in the multiple hole chart list is affected.