You can save an image in several ways, depending on your needs:
- On the Quick Access Toolbar , click
Save. Saves the drawing and prompts you to save any images you have edited. Because of the link between the drawing and the image files, the image data is not stored in the drawing file, but in a separate file. You have the option of either saving each edited image individually, or saving all of the edited images in your drawing. You can skip over an image if you do not want to save the changes you made.
- On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab
Insert & Write panel
Save. Saves an image without saving the drawing file. You can use this command to save more than one image at a time.
- On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab
Insert & Write panel
Save As. Saves an image and lets you change the name, file type, or location. Using this command, you can convert a read-only image to a file that can be edited.
- On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab
Insert & Write panel
Embed. For bitonal images only, saves the image within the drawing. This command simplifies file management when transmitting or archiving drawings and images.
- On the ribbon, click Raster Tools tab
Insert & Write panel
Capture. Saves a “snapshot” of a displayed image, including the effects of color maps, clips, masks, and rotation.